Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Cold War is absolutely fascinating!

After being consumed by the modern dance world for a couple of years now, I’ve forgotten just how smitten I am with history and politics. This stuff is so crazy—especially when you are reading from the actors themselves (Adlai Stevenson asking the Russian delegate about weapons in Cuba and saying, “….don’t wait for the translation” and the Russian delegate retorting back at him, “I am not in an American Courtroom, Sir.”) . . . . . I can’t wait to read more about Stalin, Mao, Guevara, Castro, Tito, and GDR housewives in 1965.

Molly—I think you’ll get a kick out of my document project…I titled it "Ballet as Propaganda." Here is the photo I used as my doc …and I found a book--Cambridge U press published last year--that had an entire chapter on ballet during the cultural revolution in China.

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