Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nate, you would LOVE the Tate!

Tate Modern

Sorry I had to do it. The rhyming thing, I mean.

My first stop today was the Tate Modern. I think I will chalk this up as my favorite thing in London. The building is amazing, and the art is sooo cool—they even had a showing of Yvonne Rainer’s (Judson Church Founder Extraordinaire) work. Imagine that…a modern dancer in a modern art museum. How novel?

Other things I saw and loved: Robert Therrien’s Untitled gigantic table & chairs, Cornelia Parkers appropriation of Silver objects (steamrolled and hung from the ceiling)—Thirty Pieces of Silver, Miroslaw Balka’s untitled piece of used soap, the PROPAGANDA Room with social realist art of the Bolsheviks, Robert Morris’ untitled industrial felt sculpture—he let the materials determine their own shape.

At the Tate, I met up with my friend Orlando, who, after finding out that I was with Barack Obama in Grant Park on election night, wanted to follow me around the whole of London. Very friendly, these Brits!

After the Tate I headed to…

Shakespeare’s Globe Theater
St. Paul’s Cathedral
The British Museum (Now I have seen half the remnants of the Parthenon at the British Museum and the other half in Athens. According to the British Museum at least it is now exhibited for the “entire world” to see.)
Victoria and Albert Museum of Decorative Arts
And Buckingham Palace

Heading to sleep now while someone out my window is playing the theme to West Side Story on a flute.

1 comment:

  1. Tate Modern is excellent (but so is the original Tate!)
