Sunday, July 12, 2009

Punting on the Cam

Out of hundreds of potential punters, my group got “one of the top three punters on the cam!” I don’t think he was exaggerating—he was good. On a Saturday afternoon there are hundreds of boats on the river, and navigating is really crazy.

When Emily asked if he ever fell in, he said in a lovely British accent, “Just once on a public boat. . . . . but I’ve been in this river several times…in many different ways.”

If you ever make it to Cambridge—spend the 14 pounds to punt on the River Cam.

1 comment:

  1. So, where will you be celebrating your 30th, Bday??? Happy Advance, incase, I don't get to log on by the 17th. I cancelled my internet subscription with comcast. Take care and I hope you're having a great time.

