Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dance and the Cold War

This is me with one of the Russian ladies, Olesya, and my Balkan Cold War professor, Svetozar, Sveta for short. This character ( I just called this top dog Balkan expert from the LSE a character, ha!) reamed me out three times for not asking questions in class. .. . I tried to explain that I was thoroughly engaged even if I hadn’t spoken, but he wasn’t having it. He was remarkably interested in my ability to bring dance into the Cold War mix—in his Serbian accent, “it is this that tells us so much about the Cold War…..Daily Life in Eastern Europe, in China, in the U.S….there is so much to learn.” I told him if I ever get a PH.D. in dance history, I will specialize in the Cold War. He liked this. (If you told me three years ago I’d be talking PH.D. in dance and the cold war, I would’ve said you were mad.)

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you have questions prepared tomorrow, Katie!
