Saturday, July 11, 2009

“Welcome to London, Love.”

Laban Institute in London

Why do I not live here? Gosh I love this place. So I got off the plane and headed to the Laban Institute today. Didn't get to dance, but did get to walk around and visit the library. Huge dance libary with individual viewing stations and an extensive archive of dance video, scholarly articles, and books on dance. I've never seen a collection like that before.
Lisa, I bought a book on teaching dance that starts off with your Aristotle "we are what we repeatedly do" quote. Funny, huh? (Oh, and why are you not living in this city? You really need to be.)
Susannah and Chief Murfay--any chance we can do this (see photo) in the Lindblom garden? :) It’s a performance area, with seating, sculpted right into the land. Evidently they showcase dance works in this space in the spring and summer.

Walked around Greenwich. Cool Market.

Justin, this Oyster card you lent me is fantastic! And. . . . just so you know, the next time you head to London, I am coming with!

1 comment:

  1. You are making me yearn for my former spiritial home! I'm coming with you and Justin on your next trip. Do I know where you are staying?
