Saturday, July 11, 2009

Protests in Picadilly

“HAR-ay HAR-ay HAR-ay HAR-ay Ha-RAY-Krishna” . . . this is the roar I hear seconds, literally seconds after my mourning at the site of a makeshift Michael Jackson memorial is interrupted by a cavalcade of hundreds, perhaps thousands of MJ celebrateurs donning white sparkle gloves and singing “Ma ma se ma ma sah ma ma cu sa.”

Hundreds, perhaps thousands Hare Krishna followers, dressed in peach robes, donning bald heads, & playing drums—similar to the 1979 Threes Company episode in which I was first introduced, however suspectly, to this religion—ascend on the streets of Picadilly.
I know it is confusing. One second I am respectfully mourning MJ along with a few other somber folk , the next I am in the middle of two demonstrations—one in celebration of the King of Pop, one in celebration of … Krishna. Who could imagine? It was a strange and somewhat fitting clash of cultures . . . Who said I should skip Picadilly?

Also hit these other sites in London…
Portabello Road Antique Market Notting Hill Market (this is what a market should look like!)
Museum of Natural History
Big Ben
London Eye—didn’t ride it, just saw it
Trafalgar Square-complete with a Pride music celebration
Leicester Square

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