Sunday, July 12, 2009

Telling Stories

Met the nicest Italian ex-pat, Claudio, on the train on my way to Cambridge. He works at Cambridge and has a PH.D. in engineering and an MBA from Cambridge. . . But forget all that, he is one of the best storytellers I've met!

Claudio told me about his grandfather and grand-uncle, who deserted the Italian Fascist army and hid in a basement in Rome for three years—only to step out at night to smoke a cigarette. Once it was somewhat safe (Italy was virtually in chaos), the two men faked paralysis and rode the train to Milan (taking as long as 12 days at times since the tracks were often bombed out ) to pick up fabric for Claudio’s grandmother—a clothesmaker for the Roman elite. Next, the two became Robin hoods of sorts—assuming jobs as chefs (they were not cooks, but said, “it’s American food, how hard can it be?”) and securing jobs at an American army camp—stealing food and tossing it along the streets, only to return the next day with containers to collect the food and distribute it to everyone in the neighborhood.
Turns out Claudio will head to Beijing on July 12--the day before I leave for Beijing. Pics are from a little tour of Cambridge.

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